Advanced Training HSC Video Series - How To Do Forward Head Posture Spinal Screenings

Price: $ 159.95


In this instructional DVD, Dr. Nikitow trains his staff (and you) on the most powerful way to do spinal screenings. An effective spinal screening requires specific communication strategies. You only have a few minutes to impact the patient on the importance of spinal alignment for overall health and the need for a spinal exam following the screening. These powerful strategies will show you what influences people to schedule exams for themselves and their families. What’s more, your C.A.s will learn the proper closing and appointment procedures you should use at every screening to insure that appointments are kept. You will understand why some of the largest practices in the world use Dr. Nikitow’s screening procedures and why this non-selling approach really works!

Item #V08
Running Time: 1 hour, 45 minutes

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