Certainty Chiropractic Seminars

Dr. Nikitow is one of the most sought-after experts in the chiropractic profession. He has been practicing for 30+ years while teaching for more than 20 years. Since he still practices today, he knows what D.C.s are struggling with and offers solutions for leading a successful practice.

Dr. Nikitow’s expertise will show you step-by-step how to build your own high-retention, highly profitable spinal-correction family practice with CERTAINTY. The testimonials of past seminar participants speak clearly to the value of Dr. Nikitow’s seminars. They consistently attest to the quality and practical, usable content of the Certainty Seminars compared to other conferences or workshops they have attended.

There are Certainty Seminars designed specifically for State Chiropractic Associations (with CE Credits available in most states) as well as seminars intended for Colleges, Chiropractic Schools, and Students. Review the seminar schedule for upcoming dates and locations or call 1-800-544-3884 to inquire about scheduling a seminar for your state association or school.


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