Dr. Nikitow is a practicing chiropractor with more than 30 years of experience. He is committed to furthering the chiropractic profession and helping other DCs succeed in their own practices. This commitment is evident in the free resources made available through this site.
The left column of every page contains links to articles written by Dr. Nikitow, relevant to that page’s subect matter. You can also browse through the suggestions on our Practice Tips web page. Chiro-Practicality is a free monthly video with additional practice advice. You can even sign up to receive some of this useful information by email.
Another helpful resource is the online videos that accompany many of the Patient Education and Doctor/Staff Resource items for sale on our site. Dr. Nikitow explains the best way to put these powerful tools to work in your own practice.
Take advantage of this wealth of knowledge gleaned from Dr. Nikitow’s decades of experience operating a successful high-volume family practice and see how these free resources can help your own chiropractic practice.