Association School Schedule Overview


Certainty Seminars for Associations

(CE Credits are available in most states.)

Dr. Nikitow is renown for his lectures and seminars. He is engaging, energetic, animated, and above all informative. Twice he was named Chiropractor of the Year by the World Chiropractic Alliance (WCA).

He delivers useful, practical information that chiropractors can use immediately in their daily practice–things that he has learned in his thirty years of practicing chiropractic, and even today, he is still learning and putting his findings into his practice.

Associations have the option of hearing Dr. Nikitow as a ninety-minute guest speaker, where he presents a variety of topics as varied as motivation and practice management. Or, you could do a half- or full-day seminar for an in-depth approach to enhancing many of today’s procedures as well as dealing with compliance issues, exams, ROFs, Corrective Care rehab, documentation, repositioning patient beliefs, and much more.

Dr. Nikitow will show the members of your association how to run their practices with Certainty and how to build a practice founded on patient education and trust.

Below is a brief synopsis of our topics.

  • 90-Minute Guest Speaking – As a guest speaker in your program, Dr. Nikitow has presentation topics that include: motivation, practice building, techniques, patient management, practice management and more, including tailoring a talk specifically for your group.
  • 3-4 Hour Seminar – Usually designed to zero in on a particular topic for training and its implementation to help doctors and staff master a particular skill. Popular topics include New Patient Acquisition, Communication, Compliance, Patient Retention, Practice Management, Building a High-Volume Family Wellness Practice, Chiropractic Philosophy supported by recent research and more. Includes take-away seminar notes.
  • Full-Day Seminars (9-12 hours each) or Longer – Geared toward establishing total Certainty in every aspect of a practice. Core communication strategies are taught to ensure conversion, compliance, and retention as well as the all-important practice procedures to maximize patient certainty in putting DCs on their health care team for their entire family. Among the topics covered are history, exam, ROF, cash payment plans, rehab, documentation, technique, re-exams, progress report, lifetime family maintenance, certainty in communication and repositioning patient beliefs, presenting updated philosophy supported by medical research and new patient acquisition - All for corrective care practices. Seminar includes a complete manual.

To discuss opportunities for bringing a Certainty seminar to your association, call 800-544-3884 or click here to send an email to Certainty Customer Service.

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