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Spinal Screening Package

Price: $ 395.00


There is a very specific way to do effective spinal screenings. Most doctors use a selling approach that they are uncomfortable with. The Certainty system teaches you how to communicate effectively without pressure tactics. The prospective patient will understand and embrace the value of spinal alignment for health. With this system, doctors sign up 75–80% of their screenings and virtually 100% come in for exams and follow-up care! This is one of the strategies Dr. Nikitow used to build a 1000-patient-visits-per-week practice, and these secrets are now available to you!

Spinal Screening Package includes the following:

  • DVD — How To Do Spinal Screenings
  • DVD — How To Do FHP Screenings
  • DVD — How To Do Massage Screenings
  • 100 Spinal Stress Screening Brochures
  • 100 Posture/Muscle Analysis forms
  • Why Look at Posture? Poster

Item #SSPKG — $395

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